The Essential Digital Skills Framework, launched in May 2018 after extensive consultation, and now hosted by the Department for Education, includes life and work skills and is made up of five sections: communicating, transacting, problem solving, handling information and content, being safe and legal online.
We have now developed a new Essential Digital Skills Toolkit in consultation with over 60 organisations, to support individuals, groups and organisations to measure their digital skills. This Toolkit was created with real people in mind and we have tried to make it as user-friendly and accessible as we can. We encourage you to use it, to modify it and come back to use with your feedback and suggestions.
The Toolkit can be used by individuals and organisations running digital skills projects in their communities and workplaces, and can help to identify:
• a skills gap;
• to benchmark against other organisations;
• to evidence a need;
• and to measure the success of an intervention.
You can download the toolkit.
Digital Foundation Skills
The framework also includes a section on ‘foundation’ skills, which are typically required by those not currently using digital technology or using it in limited ways. These foundation skills are needed in all circumstances before moving on to develop skills for life and skills for work.

For more information about each foundation and digital skill, visit our Digital Participation page.