Recruiting Volunteers
Volunteers are at the heart of every community group, giving their time, skills and passion to help make a positive difference in their community. Recruiting volunteers may at first seem like a relatively straightforward process but forward planning can ensure that the process of engaging, recruiting and managing volunteers is a positive and productive experience for all involved. Groups should first consider:
- Why do they need volunteers?
- What will volunteers do?
- Who will support volunteers?
Developing volunteer role descriptions will help with the above, defining what volunteers will do, what they will get out of it and who will be responsible for supporting with their induction, training and any queries/concerns they have. Groups seeking volunteers should also ensure that they have suitable volunteer policies and safeguarding measures in place as well as a clear process for responding to volunteer enquiries.
Community groups in South Lanarkshire use a range of methods to advertise for volunteers including word of mouth, social media, the local press or libraries and advertising through the local Third Sector Interface, Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan).
For further information or support with recruiting volunteers, please see VASLan’s Resource Kit or contact Lisa McTaggart at