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Universal Connections Summer Programme

Universal Connections Street Level invite you to join us in a summer full of fun!

Over the summer holidays the team will be hosting a variety of trips and activities for both S1 – S6 and P7 year groups.

Over the next 7 weeks we will facilitating 2 weekly trips / outings, these vary from team building activities at Wiston Lodge to pic-nic’s and sports in Rouken Glen Park. In addition to trips and outings, we will be running Monday sports sessions, Soccer Schools, Friday night football, Foody-Friday, and so much more.

We want the summer to be accessible to all, for this reason all trips and activities will be free, we do however ask for a £5 deposit for any trips, this will returned to the young person on the day of the trip.

We anticipate the trips to be popular, spaces will fill up fast, to help manage bookings and seat allocations we will be running a phone in booking system, trips will be available to book 2 weeks in advance and in 2-week blocks. Please contact us at the centre on 01555 751818 Monday to Friday 9pm – 5pm.
The aim of the summer is to give children and young people the opportunity to try new activities and meet new friends, we would love to see as many young at the activities as possible.

For more information and to keep updated about trips and activites, follow us on our social media pages at the following:
Facebook: CarlukeuniversalconnectionsYFCL
Instagram: CarlukeUC_YFCL
TikTok: CarlukeUC
Twitter: Carluke_YFCL

You can also contact the centre on 01555 751818, or pop in and say hello, you will find us at 37 Stewart Street Carluke.
Please check out the posters attached and see below for more information.

You can find the full programme here;

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