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How ONECAN Works

Create a free account today and once approved you can create your own Community Groups, Events, News, Resources and much more from your account dashboard.


Signup for Free

you can register and create a free account and can post on the site once approved by admins


Create Community Groups

you can submit new community groups, events, edit existing groups, events and more.


EasyTo Use

Made to benefit the whole community, we’ve made it as easy as possible to create new groups, events, news and more.

About us / how to use

The ONECarluke community website was established in 2020 in response to the 2018 – 2019 Carluke Conversations calling for a central online community resource. It aims to provide an online space for local community groups to come together to share news and events. The site is designed for community groups to share their activities, reaching out to a large audience and bringing together people to celebrate what Carluke has to offer. It is managed by Carluke Development Trust (SC029002).

The Home page shows a feed of local community News, generated by the community groups who post content on their own pages. All news items are shown in date order, and more can be revealed by clicking ‘More News’. The Homepage also displays events coming up as shared by community groups.

What’s on Carluke gives details of all upcoming events in the area so you can look at the year ahead to help make your plans. Community Groups lists all the local groups who have their own page and are engaged in a wide range of activities. Click on any group and read their news and forthcoming events.

If your group is not yet listed, you can begin your own page where you can upload and share your news and let group members and visitors know about upcoming events.

It’s easy to do, just go to the Community Groups tab and click, add a group and complete the registration form. You’ll be sent a username and password and you can login and start to post news and events. The Newsdesk will check the content then upload it to your group page. If you have already joined, hover over Community Groups and click “Login to your group”, then use the forms to submit content, news and events.

Local Directory helps you find local services from Accountants to Window Cleaners.  If you are not there, you can add your business so that locals can find local services.